予約受付開始! 映画ショー『プリミ恥部な世界』2011年早春編|MOVIE & MUSIC LIVE SHOW "THE PRIMITCHIBU WORLD" 2011 Early Spring Version 2/24(木)19:00- @UPLINK FACTORY
宇宙マッサージの話題が先行している「プリミ恥部」こと白井剛史。その実体は珠玉のポップソングを歌うシンガーソングライター。白井の歌と、映画監督・平岡香純とともに作った映画『プリミ恥部な世界』LIVE VERSION と、お客さんとで作りだす前代未聞の映画ショー「プリミ恥部な世界」。2011年早春バージョンが、2月24日(木)19:00から渋谷のUPLINK FACTORYで開催されます。二人の愛娘・多有(たーり)も登場して、目映い光に包まれるミラクルなひとときの予約開始 factory@uplink.co.jp
‘LIVE SHOW “THE PRIMITCHIBU WORLD” Early Spring version’ will be held on Feb.24 19:00- at Uplink Factory, Shibuya. Come and join Miracle Night with Movie, Music, Takeshi Shirai, Kasumi Hiraoka, their daughter Tahri and audiences! Reserve now factory@uplink.co.jp. distributed by Makotoya Co.,Ltd.
LIVE VERSION: 2009-/JAPAN/DV/4:3/75min. ALL FILM VERSION: 2010/JAPAN/DV/4:3/70min.
“The Primitchibu World” is the movie of love. The Primitchibu World is full of love.
Kasumi HIRAOKA is a street love messenger and Takeshi SHIRAI become The Primitchibu when he is an universal love messenger. When you Kasumi listened Takshi’s voice on his 1st album CD, she wanted to make the movie for his music all together with his warmest love . And then, Their love is making this movies after their marrige with their baby. Takeshi also starts to tell their love message by qiu and hands in his body to our painful body and mind. distributed by Makotoya Co.,Ltd.