一尾直樹監督最新作『心中天使(しんちゅうてんし)』都内独占公開に続き 2/19(土)より名古屋他愛知で全5館公開

02.10.2011 · Posted in domestic, news, tweet, world

塚本晋也と片岡礼子 主演『溺れる人』の一尾直樹監督が描く長編第二作『心中天使』が渋谷ユーロスペースにて都内独占先行公開中(2/5より)。2/19(土)からは、撮影地でもあり一尾監督の活動拠点である地元・名古屋シネマテーク小牧コロナシネマワールド安城コロナシネマワールド、引続き豊川半田でも公開される。


“心中天使(Shinchu Tenshi)|SYNCHRONICITY” was theatrical opened at Eurospace, Shibuya and from Feb.19th will open also at Nagoya Cinemateque etc 5 theaters in Aichi.   The movie is the real movie directed by Naoki Ichio,  who made his first movie “A DROWNING MAN” which shows”impossible” realities in exactly the same way that it shows day-to-day life,  appeared by Shinya Tsukamoto and Reiko Kataoka in 2000.

Director’s statement of  “SYNCHRONICITY” is

This film depicts three people’s lives separately and parallel.  One day, they suddenly got grasped by “something” and they start to shut themselves away. Their family and lover are puzzled by their sudden change.

What is “something”?  It may be the emotion that they have unconsciously suppressed.  Of course, the film is “fiction”, therefore, audience is free to interpret something beyond the extent of human knowledge.  The essential part of the film is not knowing “something” exactly.  Depicting relationship with others and oneself which was disrupted by “something” is more important.

I depicted a married couple in my debut feature, A Drowning Man.  In the beginning of the film, the wife drawn and died in the bathtub but in the next morning, she came back to life as nothing has happened.  However that was the incident by the husband’s point of view.  For wife, it is impossible for her who lives at present was dead in the past. I have asked a question many times by the audience “Was the wife really dead?”  Actually, I do not know.  There is no answer for that question, because for me the essential part of the film was depicting absolute “gap” of wife and husband.

We, Japanese, are living in the loneliest age in the history.  I am not interested in seeking the cause.  I am always interested in depicting ourselves “symbolically”.